Thursday 29 December 2016


My top 10 movies of this year!
These are based of what I believe for me were the best of the best films of 2016!!!

Heads up - I haven't seen Hacksaw Ridge, La La Land, Silence and many more becasue they all get released January!

10) Deadpool

Deapool kicks off this list. With it's fun and meta jokes, this was a character that I don't even like but the movie won me over.

9) The Revenant

Leo deserved his Oscar with a great performance accompanied by the ever great Tom Hardy. Also the cinematography was breath taking.

8) Bridge of Spies

A master class on how to direct with Steven Spielberg and a master class on how to act with Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance.

7) The Witch

Scary, tense and uneasy. The best horror movie of the year.

6) Captain America: Civil War

A Superhero movie done right. Balancing a lot of heroes isn't easy but the Russo's are becoming experts at it.

5) The Hateful Eight

Tarantino knows how to direct and tell stories. Not his best but is still unparalleled by most films.

4) Arrival

Arrival proves the Denise Villeneuve is a director to be reckoned with. The best Sci-Fi movie of the year. A film that relies on language rather than explosions for excitement is exciting.

3) The Neon Demon 

The most underrated and most polarizing film of the year. You either love Nicolas Windin Refn films or hate them. I love his movies. Especially this one.

2) Nocturnal Animals

One of the most powerful performances from anyone this year. Jake Gyllenhaal steals the show with Micheal Shannon. So depressing but very powerful.

1) Your Name

Just beautiful. 'Nuff said.

Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) 2016 Review

Your Name is a beautiful piece of film that needs to watched by everyone on Earth. 

Directed by Makoto Shinkai it tells the story of Mitsuha Miyamizu who wishes she could change her life to be a boy from Tokyo and for her the wish becomes true. But do not mistake this for a run of the mill body switch story. Nope. This is crafted masterfully to tell a unique story about love and friendship.

To begin, the animation is stunning and like the movie is beautiful to stare at and leaves you with vivid imagery that will stay in your minds and heart for life. I have seen generic stories told in generic ways, I am always pleased when a movie maker decides to change the ingredients and spice it up and with this film the changes make a whole lot of difference.

Told in both perspectives from Mitsuha who enters the boy (Taki Tachibana) and vice versa, it's funny and warm. Your Name is full emotions that leave you weeping to laughing. The roller coaster you are set on takes many turns and leaves you with characters that you root for from the moment you are introduced to them. 

To give too much away will be an injustice for this film. So my advice is go to a cinema or buy it or rent it and support it and just enjoy this masterful and beautiful film.

This is seriously a special movie. 

This was short because I want all of you to go and just enjoy every little detail for yourself. I'm currently listening to the heart warming score right now while typing this review. 

Best film of the year!!

Thursday 17 November 2016

Kong: Skull Island - Trailer Review

Would I say that I am excited for this movie? - No
Would I say that the trailer got me excited? - No

However, the trailer intrigued me enough where I want to know how messy this movie will be. First the tone was a mess, it didn't know what route to take, scary and mysterious or funny and light-hearted. The mesh of both made it hard to understand what to expect, which can work for other movies but for a King Kong movie, I have an idea of how it should feel and putting me in the dark makes me nervous for the monster flick.

What I was expecting was a Predator vibe, the feel of tension mixed with action.

When it comes to monster flicks the CG is important and I was not amused by the inconsistent CG effects, Kong looks great CG wise (not appearance) but the other monsters are missing some extra pixels. However, this can be due to them not being fully ready but if this is not the case then it could put a real damper on this movie.

Kong's appearance is supposed to be big and imposing but in the trailer he looked small and huggable. In this situation I'll give the trailer the benefit because we don't see him in scale with anything else, and on the other hand the poster makes Kong look like a titan. They also showed more Kong in this trailer than Godzilla in its entire film which is a plus.

However, the biggest threat to this film is its comedy, based on the trailer the movie seems light hearted with some comedy to ease up on the serious situations but if the comedy falls flat then it could be unbearable.

The trailer didn't sell me on the Kong movie but this won't stop me nor others watching the beast in action again.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Hayao Miyazaki Returns!?

Hayao Miyazaki returns to direct!?

Legendary director Hayao Miyazaki has stated many times that he was retiring and many times did the film bug keep biting him. It is no surprise that Mr Miyazaki has once again gone back on that statement. It has been stated by NHK television special "Owaranai Hito Miyazaki Hayao" that Mr Miyazaki wants to make one more film called "Kemushi no Boro" (Boro the Caterpillar). It is a short CG animated film that Miyazaki has been creating for the Studio Ghibli museum but it seems that the legendary animated film maker wants to bring this to the bigger screen.

It has been reported that the release for this animated film may be in 2019 but this is still not confirmed. The short has been planned for 20 years and has a completion date for next year. The feature version has not got an official green light and the decision for it to be fully CG which Miyazaki has been against for his previous films has not been released. However the film will be an anticipated one, which many Studio Ghibli fans are dying to see.

Monday 14 November 2016

Are Trilogies Dead!?

What happened to movie trilogies?

It was always exciting to watch the first movie of a trilogy, seeing the world being built up and what that world presented. As the second movie came along, we saw the world expand and we delved deeper with our character and finally the last movie was the conclusion. However, movies no longer use trilogies to tell their story but instead expand to six or more films.

This isn't a bad idea. In some cases more than three movies is necessary such as Harry Potter and Mission Impossible franchise where a continuous story of that world is intriguing. However, the problem with movies that over gamble and release more than three films is a loss of interest in the main protagonist. In the Bourne franchise, the resolution for the third movie was all we need but with the fourth and fifth it lost its emotional connection we had with Jason Bourne. Resulting in two boring flicks.

The reason movies get boring after the third installment is a trilogy acts as a three act structure. With the first movie represented as the setup, the second film is the confrontation and the last installment is the resolution. An example is the Star Wars trilogy with New Hope acting as the setup by setting the rules and introducing the worlds, Empire Strikes Back is the confrontation (literally) with Luke fighting his demons and against Vader, and finally Return of the Jedi was the resolution and closing the book on that story. Until The Force Awakens (which I like) was released in 2015 which lost the emotional connections and tries too hard to rekindle our attachment. The death of Han was the only emotional connection I had with the characters.

The biggest support for trilogies is the experience. Now, with these universe movies they are also experiences but with trilogies the three films watched back to back is more magical because that time we have with out character means we see their development by the end of the last film. While with a six movie franchise, we see the development early on and then we are left with three other movies with our character already blossomed and not flawed, an example is the Die Hard franchise. John McClane becomes a super hero and doesn't do anything wrong and can survive any explosion. As a result It becomes boring and the stakes are lost.

As I have mentioned, franchises such as Harry Potter work with more than one movie because of how many books there are and the complex stories. Imagine a movie being a fat piece of dough and the first movie kneads it, the second movie proves it and the third movie bakes it. What do you get? A perfectly tasty bread. But then take the dough and stretch it for some reason, holes start to appear. Too much stretching is the fourth, fifth and sixth installment, You don't need to stretch it but you do it anyway. Plot holes become more apparent and the bread becomes a mess. That's what happens when a simple story gets the 10 movie treatment. Simple story is better when told in a simple way. Bread is better when baked in a simple way.


Is it a bad idea for trilogies to die away?

I believe that trilogies dying and making way for more expanded movies can lead to exciting films. We are in a new era of cinema which I call the "universe films". Studios are now beginning their own universes that can expand a film's world. It is an exciting time because this change is still in an early phase and will only grow to become better.

In essence the universe building will make cinema exciting again. With trilogies, once it's done,  it's done. Audiences crave more from films and want stories to continue. Movies that have more than three films can explore more of the world that was established, Mission Impossible has been going on forever and has continually grown stronger and Fast & Furious has upped their game (for better or worse) and deliver movies the fans want. They have both become better with their latest release.

Without the restriction of three movies, studios can build their movies from the ground up and take as much time to tell a story. It's all about creating an excitement with the audience and a studio slate with a movie universe is more exciting than a movie slate with just three films.


Movie trilogies dying is an evolution in cinema. We now get franchises that could last a hundred years. Is it a good idea? Maybe or maybe not but it's a necessary step in discovering how far we can take this art form.

Sunday 13 November 2016


A new schedule that I hope I can keep!! I'll try and upload on these days!!

MONDAY - Film/TV Discussion or Analyses




FRIDAY - Film/TV Discussion or Analyses



Monday 7 November 2016

Why has Mediocre become Acceptable?

Furious 7, Iron Man 3, Minions and Transformers: Dark of the Moon have all made over 1 billion at the box office. More than The Dark Knight, Drive, The Wolf of Wall Street and Inside Out. How did it get this bad?

We have the power to dictate what studios release. We refused to watch Ghostbusters (2016) and no more will be made. Yet we never do this often. We all complain about the influx of terrible movies but we're the ones fueling studios to keep making them. Have we just accepted mediocre as normal?

With so many studios wanting to build their own universe, it has seemed that they want to rush an important step; quality. This is the same with us - we want different characters to cross-over in other movies that we accept that bad movies will happen in order for them to cross-over. "Who cares if Iron Man 2 was bad at least he'll be in Avengers" - Sound familiar?

The quality in which we as the audience accept a film has dramatically declined. As it seems the standard of a film no longer matters but instead it has come to who stars in the film or if it's a character we recognize that gets us to the cinema. I am no saint and often do that too. If it's a star I know then I'll probably watch that movie over an independent masterpiece with no one recognizable. This has fueled Hollywood to keep making these generic movies that have no personality. However, the studios are not the only ones to blame as it may also be down to everyone being over sensitive, leading to studios having to hit every demographic in order to make some money. But we can change that by opening our minds and allowing different ideas on the screen.

You cannot sensor art.

Art is expression and freedom and once you sensor that then we live in a world where free speech doesn't exist.

Our over sensitive minds means studios will cater to them. If a studio allows a risky move in their movies, you can guarantee backlash and boycotts from audiences which studios do not want. An example is The Interview, which had such a backlash that cinemas didn't play it and Sony got hacked. This has put fear in studios not wanting a similar situation which means they would rather make a generic movie than push the bar of creativity.

As the audience we have power. We have to stop buying tickets for the generic crap and demand something different. If we support more creative films (even bad ones to a degree) then studios will have to consider making more dynamic and inventive pieces of art. We shouldn't accept mediocre but instead films that push the medium to more imaginative places. But before we change the studios, we have to change ourselves.

Remember, If we don't change now, we are one step closer to a Citizen Kane remake. Think about that.